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This piece was made as a part of our group project which was focusing on the Connect4Climate live brief. For our project, I decided to focus on This piece was made as a part of our group project which was focusing on the Connect4Climate live brief. For our project, I decided to focus on creating a couple of short videos. These videos were designed to be used as part of a series of informative videos on the app as well as adverts on social media, which is why they are short in length. Each video is focused on one method of reducing climate change. The videos are aimed at people of an age range of 15-25. The video clips in the videos are sourced from a creative commons and the music is from a royalty-free website. For this project, I looked at other videos that had been used as informative videos on social media platforms to see how they were formatted. 


For this project, I chose to write an advertisement script for the Martini live brief. The brief wanted the advert to be aimed at ‘happy, social, high For this project, I chose to write an advertisement script for the Martini live brief. The brief wanted the advert to be aimed at ‘happy, social, high energy’ young adults and should be about making time to see one another. From the brief, I decided to write about a group of young adult friends who had been unable to see each other due to other commitments and busy lifestyles but often reminisce about the times they used to spend together. The advert then goes on to show them meeting, with the main focuses in this scene being on having a good time and on Martini. For this project, I had to research the format of an advertisement script and looked at a few industry examples. I wrote this advert script so that the advertisement could be used on both social media and television.

For this project I decided to write a film review for the film Les Misérables. Before starting this project, I had read through examples of different film reviews to see the different formats that they were written in. I decided to write this film review as part of a regular segment on a lifestyle blog, tFor this project, I decided to write a film review for the film Les Misérables. Before starting this project, I had read through examples of different film reviews to see the different formats that they were written in. I decided to write this film review as part of a regular segment on a lifestyle blog, therefore the style of the film review is less formal. The film review was written to be short and informative, with a paragraph focusing on the plot of the film, a paragraph about the cinematography and a final paragraph about overall opinions and thoughts about the film.
The following piece was made for our group project which was focusing on the Connect4Climate live brief. The brief wanted to find ways to help The following piece was made for our group project which was focusing on the Connect4Climate live brief. The brief wanted to find ways to help younger people be able to find different ways that they can help reduce climate change. As a group, we chose to focus on small changes that can be made to help reduce climate change. I was chosen to focus on creating a poster aimed at teenage girls. For this reason, I decided to use pastel and soft colours. For this poster, I decided to ensure that the information on the poster was clear and the main focus of the poster, so I chose to keep the design simplistic. Before starting this project, I researched other posters that had been made about the environment to see the style of posters on this topic. 

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