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Cover Letter

Cover Letter

Below is a copy of the cover letter that I made to apply for the 2021 Summer Reporting Internship in Europe at The Wall Street Journal which I found when looking for work experience and internships on LinkedIn.

This internship would involve me pitching my own ideas to help create news stories, writing articles for the company and assisting current reporters and editors with their research. I decided to apply for this internship because it involves working in the industry I want to be in in the future and will allow me to gain valuable skills that I can use throughout my career. The Wall Street Journal is also a company that I have wanted to work at before; therefore, this opportunity would allow me to network myself for possible future opportunities.

Stephanie Liney 

36 Gillquart Way

Parkside, Coventry


07990 960459

14th November 2020

To Whom It May Concern, 

I am writing in response to your advertisement about the Summer 2021 Reporting Internship. I am a current second-year Media and Communications student. During my time at university, I have developed my interest in Journalism. In my course I have been enjoying taking part in the Global Leaders Programme where I get to learn about different cultures and also differences in communication styles between them. As a part of this programme I had to write a report on how two international companies, based in two different countries, would overcome any obstacles that may occur due to cultural differences through adapting communication styles and team building exercises. I believe that this project and programme will benefit me in my career as it has given the skills and methods to adapt and build trust when working with people from different cultures which is important when working on projects in global companies as the Wall Street Journal is.  

As part of a group project for university, I had to research and create a multimedia report about the Investigative Data Journalism industry. In this project, we looked into the history of the industry and how and why it has grown, as well as the global trends and different styles of reporting that are seen in the industry. As a group we created a website about these different aspects of the Investigative Data Journalism industry and we also conducted interviews with some current industry professionals. As my contribution to the group project, I created a video looking at the global trends that are present in the industry and the different ways that are popular for news to be published in some countries and researched the different roles and the responsibilities required for them. From this project I discovered new aspects of researching and news story creation within the industry and it has inspired me to want to pursue an active role in the field and continue to learn. 

Alongside my studies at university, I have created a blog where I regularly write content about a variety of topics and current events that are happening globally. This has allowed me to improve on my written communication skills as well as given me the opportunity to develop experience with reporting writing styles which will give me a competitive edge when working in such an industry. I have also had experience with editing photos for a travel page on social media and a travel blog in Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom. These run alongside the writing which is useful for allowing me to use images to visually enhance the writing to better portray my ideas and engage the reader. This has allowed me to have experience with different styles of writing on each platform.

Please find attached my CV.

Yours sincerely,

Stephanie Liney

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