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Above is an illustration that I drew for a friend’s poetry writing. I was given a brief to create a singular image that could be used to show ideas of life, death and love all in one. I used the image of a rose to represent life and love, the flames to represent romance and the skull to show death.

Above is an illustration that I have created for an ongoing creative writing project called ‘Fallen Angel’. This piece of writing will be about struggling with mental health while trying to find a place to fit in as a teenager.

The illustration above is for a piece of creative writing that I have planned, but have not yet started work on. This piece of writing takes inspiration from the television series ‘Sons of Anarchy’.

Above is an illustration for a piece of blog writing that I have currently stopped working on but hope to continue. This piece of writing was about musicians who I looked up to from the Rock and Pop-Punk music scenes.

Above is a drawing that I completed to use as a cover for a piece of fan-fiction writing that I completed based on the film series Twilight. This image includes the two main characters that my fan-fiction focuses on; Jacob and Edward.

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