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Placement Applications

Placement Applications

During this semester, I have started to look at placements within the journalism industry. By getting a placement it will allow me to gain invaluable experience of working in the journalism industry and help me to gain and improve the skills that I will require as part of my future career. A placement would also be a good opportunity for me to work alongside professionals already in the industry and will help me able to network myself and further my employability prospects in the future.

Below are the placements that I have applied for so far.

  • CNN Sports

I applied for this placement as I have always had a passion for sports and follow most international and national sporting events. My interest in sports journalism when I was younger was what started my passion for wanting to pursue a career of being a journalist. My one of my dream careers would be to work as a journalist for Formula One and this internship at CNN would be an incredible opportunity to be able to learn the skills I would need for this but also have experience with writing about reporting professionally about sporting events. 

Attached is my completed application form for this placement.

  • CNN News Desk

I decided to apply for this internship at CNN as I want to work as an international news journalist. This role would involve me working to write and research for news stories that would be used during a news desk show on CNN. This internship would be a good experience for me to be able to work under pressure and in a very faced-paced environment.

Attached is my completed application form for this placement

  • Wall Street Journal Europe

I applied for this internship because the Wall Street Journal is a news organisation that I have enjoyed reading articles from for a long time, so when I saw this opportunity for an internship with this company I was excited to apply for it. This internship would give me the opportunity to work with industry professionals to help research, write and edit news stories and be a good opportunity to gain experience in the journalism industry.

The application process for this internship included submitting a CV and a cover letter. The CV and cover letter attached in the other sections of this assignment have been tailored for this internship.

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