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Weekly task 2012MAPA – Campaign Strategy

Weekly task 2012MAPA – Campaign Strategy

Coca-Cola Campaign Strategy

  1. Determine Goals

The goals for this campaign are to show that Coca-Cola is an environmentally friendly company. At a time when people are becoming more aware of the impacts that climate change is having on our planet, it is important for companies to actively show what they are doing to help combat this. As many people became more aware of the impacts of climate change over the lockdowns during the Covid-19 pandemic, many buyers are becoming more environmentally conscious and making more thoughtful purchases, therefore it is important that Coca-Cola keep these buyers or bring in new buyers for this reason.

2. Know your target audience

The target audience is people who are environmentally aware as well as regular Coca-Cola drinkers. Coca-Cola’s main audience is within the age demographic of 10-24 with 25-40 being the next demographic. This campaign will be aimed more towards the lower demographic as they are more involved with campaigning to help the environment.

3. Decide your objectives

Objective 1: to show to Coca-Cola drinkers and to a wider audience that Coca-Cola is an environmentally sustainable brand. Objective 2: To show audiences that Coca-Cola is supporting environmental charities.

4. Build your strategies

Our strategies will involve creating advertisements that are set in environments that are being worst affected by climate change/ our human impacts on the planet – such as in the Antarctic and in the Amazon rainforest and showing how the Coca-Cola brand is actively helping to save these environments. This would be by showing in the advertisements the companies that they are teaming up with to help these environmental issues, but also by showing the changes that they are making to how they are reducing their own carbon footprint. 

Another part of the strategies would be to create new labels for the Coca-Cola bottles by having pictures of the animals/ environments that they are helping by displaying the charity that they are working with.

5. Decide what issue/ cause you can focus on

 The main issue that this campaign will focus on is the effects of climate change and global warming on our environments. The campaign will show that Coca-Cola is a sustainable and environmentally aware company.

6. Define your core campaign message

The core message of this campaign is to show people that Coca-Cola is actively making a change to help slow down climate change and to help our planet. By highlighting main areas of concern in the fight against climate change, it can help audiences be assured that Coca-Cola is a sustainable brand and will gain public confidence.

7. Research PR, Press and Social media activities around your cause

Previous campaigns that have been focused on the human effects on the planets include the WWF campaigns to save endangered animals. These campaigns work by making audiences feel bad about the impacts that our carbon usage is having on environments. 

Previous Coca-Cola campaigns have been effective by having an emotional narrative behind them. Previous campaigns have focused around the topics of family, love and unity. We could combine Coca-Cola’s previous themes and the sympathy created in the WWF advertisements to create an effective campaign message within our narrative.

8. Brainstorm possible channels and tools for your campaign

Possibly channels that our campaign would run on are on social media platforms Instagram and Facebook. By using these two channels we would cover a large percentage of our age demographic. On these platforms we would create a video advertisement that would run for 30 seconds – 1 minute and would be posted throughout peoples feeds and a shorter 10 second advert that would be used in the stories function on these social media platforms. 

Another channel that would be used for our campaign through traditional television advertisements that would be similar to the advertisements that will be used on the social media feeds.

9. Think about roles and responsibilities for all group members

Roles that will be needed in this campaign will be – 

–  Script writer/ story boarder for the advertisements

– Social media specialist to create posters for social media posts and well as descriptions to go with the posts online explaining the campaign.

– Researcher into the companies that we are working with and Coca-Cola’s previous campaigns to ensure everything keeps to their themes and branding.

– Writer for the press release of the campaign’s release.

10. Construct a narrative

This campaign would focus on different environments that are currently under threat due to the impacts of climate change on our planet. One advertisement would go as follows.

A walk through/ pan of the environment and show the animals and landscape that is at risk. Focus on this while a narrative begins to explain why this environment is at risk and what is going to happen. Change to show a Coca-Cola team in the office and shots of people working on the factory floor. Have the narrative explain what changes are being made at Coca-Cola and why they know it’s important to protect the environment. Show images of the animals back in their environment and alternate this with picture of happy families outside drinking from glass bottles of Coca-Cola.

11. Produce a list of stake holders, their position/ description and their agenda.

 Stake holders in Coca-Cola – ‘In 2019, we co-operated with nearly 400 non-governmental organisations and non-trade partners, including the International Federation of the Red Cross, the World Wide Fund for Nature, Junior Achievement, Teach for All and the Global Water Partnership’ (Coca-Cola, 2020).

Coca-Cola’s partnership with the WWF will be useful for this campaign as they work to protect and preserve environments from human impacts upon them.

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